5 Ways to Eat Seitan

Before I begin, a few blog posts ago, I said I was going mostly vegetarian and not going vegan. That quickly changed. I soon realized that I did want to make the bigger change and boycott animal products entirely as a matter of principal. I’ll write more on it later. I made seitan for theContinue reading “5 Ways to Eat Seitan”

What I’m listening to 5/9

This one I found listening to my “Liked” Songs on Spotify. The next two, using a feature on Spotify called “DJ” that uses AI to play me music based on my recent Spotify usage. Zach discovered the Occams Laser band~ This final one I found in the Electronica Rising playlist.

Artificially Yours

by Melanie Algorithms in my head Memory stored in bytes Integrating past and present Digital twin, artificially yours Sensors tell me how to live my day Ads suggest what to eat and buy We work together to become Digital twin, artificially yours Those who love me, I propose Cannot know which is me And whichContinue reading “Artificially Yours”

Nutritional Stats

My goal is to drop 40 lbs from my highest weight (260). I am 10 lbs down as of today (250 lb). These are my 8 week stats. I was mostly vegetarian during this time period, and substituted dairy and eggs with their vegan options sometimes. I also had a few junk food days whereContinue reading “Nutritional Stats”

5/2 BusKill progress

I scaled up the part I made by +10%, and I think this will be easier to work with. As you can see by the variation of magnet orientation, I can choose which orientation I want, and it was a lot easier getting the magnets to behave somewhat… We had an extremely helpful commenter visitContinue reading “5/2 BusKill progress”

On joining fediverse

Read on to learn about my latest experience with joining Mastodon and why I plan to join additional projects in the “fediverse” build on top of the ActivityPub protocol. A few times I’ve joined the decentralized social network Mastodon (goldfishlaser@fosstodon.org). But recently I have managed to do it better and I’ve also learned a bitContinue reading “On joining fediverse”

4/29 BusKill Progress

Added 5th wire channel, started channel size adjustments, experimented with printing orientations.

AI in 3D printing

Anyone who has ever 3D printed eventually learns that it’s frequently not a set-it-and-forget-it situation. Filament could get tangled with itself and snap off, a part can fall over, and generally, the 3D printer deals with the noise of its own movements, differences in filaments, and unique environmental conditions. So when you notice such thingsContinue reading “AI in 3D printing”